Monday, October 6, 2008

Space Exploration

The Science Of Rockets
Since the late 1950's NASA has used Atlas rockets. With Atlas rockets NASA is able to launch probes into space and satellites into orbit around Earth. Atlas rockets have been used in many missions for governmental and commercial enterprises.
The Space Program
NASA or The National Aeronautics and Space Administration began in 1958. Apollo 13 was launched on April 11, 1970and only spent 6 days in space. Instead of space rockets they launched probes into space.
Exploring Space Today
A new type of small robot for the International Space Station is called a personal satellite assistant floats next to an astronaut. The robot is powered by solar cells. The robot has not only camera and light but also a videophone.
Using Space Science On Earth
NASA says less than 1 percent of the U.S. budget is spent on the space program. NASA stresses its contribution to the country's economic welfare because many people think the funding should go towards education or medical research.

1 comment:

Sarah Curtis said...

I learned about thrust and how it proples a rocket forward. I found the science rockets intresting becuase I leaned a lot! I was surprised by how well you you presented your poster, Ali. ^_^

- Sarah C.