Friday, August 29, 2008

Enigma Box

Scientists use skills like classifying, inferring, observing, predicting, and making models. During the enigma box activity I used scientific skills. I observed what was happening with the water going in the box and coming out. I also inferred what was going on inside of the box. After that I made a model of how the box actually looked inside.

While my teacher poured the water into the enigma box I observed that the box had a big hole and a small hole in the top of the box. On the bottom of the box there was a small tube. My teacher continued pouring the water as she poured water dripped out of the small tube in the bottom. When all the water was in the box the water started rushing out of the tube. This is what I observed from the enigma box.

What's on the inside of the enigma box? I think there is a spiral tube inside of the enigma box. When the tube is full all of the water just rushes out, but it drips until it's full.

The box actually has a tube inside of it. The tube is looped and one side goes outside of the box. When water fills the tube to a certain point it flows out of the tube that is outside of the box.


Toni Olivieri-Barton said...

I like your observations, very detailed. Maybe a little more detail on the last to paragraphs.Over all very good.

Anonymous said...

Some similarities that are paragraphs have are we both used the same scientific skills but in different ways. We also had some of the same observations. We had different thoughts about what was inside and explained what was inside the enigma box differently.

I like how you used your scientific skills to figure out what was inside the enigma box. Also how you explaned what was inside the enigma box. I like your explanation on what you thought was in the enigma box.