Thursday, April 16, 2009

Essential Question

What, specifically about your topic, are you going to research? How to reduce stream pollution?
What conclusions did you come to? People can drive fuel-efficient cars, water treatment plants can be improved to filter more pollution, minimize runoff by planting gardens, and car maintenance. What do you recommend average citizens do to make a difference? Average citizens can make a difference in their community. One way average citizens can help reduce stream pollution by using ecologicall-friendly power. Citizens can also stop throwing trash into streams or any body of water. Another way citizens can help is by watching industry and farms, ranches, and feedlots. So make a difference in your community today. Be specific. This is the main part of your assignment.
What would happen if, worst-case scenario, nobody listened to your recommendations? Stream ecosystems will not be healthy or the stream will not be able to sustain life.
What would happen if, best-case scenario, everybody listened to your recommendations? Streams will have less and less pollution and they will be able to sustain life while being healthy at the same time.

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